Monday, May 27, 2013

#MissionaryStoryMonday: Mexican Coke

There are few things better tasting in the world that Coca-Cola from Mexico. They use real sugar instead of corn syrup which gives it a better (and more addicting) flavor. Now I stopped drinking caffeine by personal choice a few years before my mission and was a little shocked at first as to how many members and other missionaries were drinking Coke (how can that be!?). My first Zone Leader is the only guy I met on the mission staunchly avoided it all cost.*

But then one day I had one and it was awesome. The best was when the family you were eating with had Coke to drink for you. Now things are a little different where I served and most of the time the family did not actually sit and eat with us. They would've eaten beforehand or they ate in another room. I'm still not sure why they did this. Anyway, since they were not there it was just you and your companion plus any other missionaries that happened to be with you.

One day we were with another companionship and eating in the home of one of my converts (the one mentioned in a previous post). She set down two 2 liter bottles of Coke on the table and we all began salivating like Pavlov's dog. We completely forgot about the amazing enchiladas she made us that day because we just wanted Coke.

One of the other missionaries that was there said something that I had not realized before that day but immediately knew it was true. He said that we shouldn't freak out because there was Coke because what happened every time is that we would become so fixated on it instead of the food and would try to drink more of it than someone else before it was gone. Guilty.

We all stopped for a moment to appreciate the truth bombs he was throwing at us. But then I looked at him said, "You're just saying that so we'll drink less of it so there will be more for you." And thus began the frantic race to drink Coke.

*This guy would sing the follow lyrics to the tune of "Choose the Right": Choose the Sprite, when the coke is place before you!

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